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The Acorn Centre

Where Everyone Thrives

Get in Touch

Working Alongside The Acorn

At the Acorn, we are here to support you, your child and your families.


Our Behaviour support practitioners work tirelessly to ensure your child's Acorn journey is fruitful and beneficial to them you and your child's school. 


At times The Acorn Centre may use an intervention that we feel will support your child further (Drawing and Talking/ Sandstory Skills/ Sensory Processing assessments and plans). This by no means should replace advice and support from external professionals such as counsellors, Occupational Therapists and Educational Psychologists. 


Our Family support practitioner can provide you with life-changing routines, useful coping strategies and training to ensure your child's Acorn journey is maintained at home and at School.


Click here to find out what our Family Champion can offer you. 
